Category: News English
القوانين العثمانية(Osmanlı Kanunnameleri – Arapça)(ISBN: 978-625-7091-04-6)٩٧٤ صفحة—- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم المقدمة العربية للقوانين العثمانية إخواني الباحثين كما تعرفون حينما تأسست الجمهورية التركية، بدأ رئيس الجمهورية التركية مصطفى كمال في تغيير النظام القانوني من الشريعة الإسلامية إلى القانون المدني الأوروبي، فأخذ وقلد كثيرا من القوانين الأوروبية في مجال القانون المدني،…
The Ottoman Civil Code, which is mentioned briefly as “Al Majalla” and its full name: “Majlah of Al-Aḥkām Al-‘Adliyah,” also called: “Al-Aḥkām Al-‘Adliyah,and Europeans call it “Royal laws regarding the state’s broadcasting of legal rulings and the legal rulings in the books of jurisprudence.” And assets in legal templates, based on…
A Muslim cannot be a terrorist; a terrorist cannot be a real Muslim; the attackers in Paris cannot be real Muslims
A Muslim cannot be a terrorist; a terrorist cannot be a real Muslim; the attackers in Paris cannot be real Muslims We condemn all bloody and remorseless deeds and want to remind everybody that it is more dangerous to do similar deeds. We would like damn severely the terrorist attacks…
Western painters Dream Harem Product Images-Istanbul Dolmabahce-2011
Rector of Islamic University of Rotterdam. Dr. Ahmed Akgündüz, haremle article or book about all the imagery is completely unfounded and illegitimate naked pictures and said that Western painters fiction Dolmabahce Palace, the “Life of the Harem in the Ottoman Empire” Akgündüz speaking at the conference titled, serious books about…
Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia
Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia In appreciation for Dr. Akgunduz’s participation, GMM 2012 Conference Director Khalek Awang, and IIUM Alumni President they have presented a certificate of Appreciation and thanked him with al etter. Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia
Ottoman Foundations and Monuments in the Balkans
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE OTTOMAN FOUNDATIONS AND MONUMENTS IN THE BALKANS (9 – 11 May 2012) 9 May 2012 Wednesday 09.00 – 10.00 Istanbul Trade Union Conference Hall, Eminönü/ISTANBUL Registration 10.00 – 11.20 Opening Speeches Dr. Adnan ERTEM Director – General of Foundations Kemal…
The Islamic Religious Community in Austria invites Dr. Akgunduz to to join to an important ceremony of the 100rd anniversary for all Muslims in Austria June 29
Regarding the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan
IV Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions (May 30-31 2012, Astana) AGENDA 1. First session of the Council of Religious Leaders 2. Plenary session: “Peace and harmony as the choice of mankind”. 3. Panel session: “The role of religious leaders in achieving sustainable development”. Speeches and discussions.…
القوانين العثمانية(Osmanlı Kanunnameleri – Arapça)(ISBN: 978-625-7091-04-6)٩٧٤ صفحة—- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم المقدمة العربية للقوانين العثمانية إخواني الباحثين كما تعرفون حينما تأسست الجمهورية التركية، بدأ رئيس الجمهورية التركية مصطفى كمال في تغيير النظام القانوني من الشريعة الإسلامية إلى القانون المدني الأوروبي، فأخذ وقلد كثيرا من القوانين الأوروبية في مجال القانون المدني،…
The Ottoman Civil Code, which is mentioned briefly as “Al Majalla” and its full name: “Majlah of Al-Aḥkām Al-‘Adliyah,” also called: “Al-Aḥkām Al-‘Adliyah,and Europeans call it “Royal laws regarding the state’s broadcasting of legal rulings and the legal rulings in the books of jurisprudence.” And assets in legal templates, based on…
A Muslim cannot be a terrorist; a terrorist cannot be a real Muslim; the attackers in Paris cannot be real Muslims
A Muslim cannot be a terrorist; a terrorist cannot be a real Muslim; the attackers in Paris cannot be real Muslims We condemn all bloody and remorseless deeds and want to remind everybody that it is more dangerous to do similar deeds. We would like damn severely the terrorist attacks…
Western painters Dream Harem Product Images-Istanbul Dolmabahce-2011
Rector of Islamic University of Rotterdam. Dr. Ahmed Akgündüz, haremle article or book about all the imagery is completely unfounded and illegitimate naked pictures and said that Western painters fiction Dolmabahce Palace, the “Life of the Harem in the Ottoman Empire” Akgündüz speaking at the conference titled, serious books about…
Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia
Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia In appreciation for Dr. Akgunduz’s participation, GMM 2012 Conference Director Khalek Awang, and IIUM Alumni President they have presented a certificate of Appreciation and thanked him with al etter. Certificate of Appreciation from Malaysia
Ottoman Foundations and Monuments in the Balkans
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE OTTOMAN FOUNDATIONS AND MONUMENTS IN THE BALKANS (9 – 11 May 2012) 9 May 2012 Wednesday 09.00 – 10.00 Istanbul Trade Union Conference Hall, Eminönü/ISTANBUL Registration 10.00 – 11.20 Opening Speeches Dr. Adnan ERTEM Director – General of Foundations Kemal…
The Islamic Religious Community in Austria invites Dr. Akgunduz to to join to an important ceremony of the 100rd anniversary for all Muslims in Austria June 29
Regarding the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan
IV Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions (May 30-31 2012, Astana) AGENDA 1. First session of the Council of Religious Leaders 2. Plenary session: “Peace and harmony as the choice of mankind”. 3. Panel session: “The role of religious leaders in achieving sustainable development”. Speeches and discussions.…